Second piece- 1987
Fett Kult Kjipt - 1992
Eye - 1992
B-boy rumble - 1999
Dead end - 1999
businessmen - 1998
- 1999
Bronx - 1991
Green goo -
Fragments - 1992
Teddys revenge - 1999
Shit for brains - 1992
Woop swoosh - 2000
Up there - 1999
Headin for a fall - 2000
You seem to do basically characters, how come you don't make
pieces with letters, and have you always been doing mostly characters?
my whole "career" I've done 3 or 4 pieces with letters.
They were the first pieces I did, and they looked like garbage. If
you got a God-given talent for playing ping-pong, it's kind of silly
trying to become a champion chess player. Play ping-pong, for Christ's
sake. I found it much easier and much more fun to do characters.
I'm probably not so strong on abstract thinking, so characters are
something I can understand. If they smile, they're happy.
Please tell
a bit about your illustration studies. Did it learn you alot about
technicues or have you learned most of it on your own ? And if you
hadn't studied illustration do you think you would have studied
something else?
haven't really studied illustration as such - I went to a 2-year
basic art school around 93-94, learning a little about the stuff
you probably need to know, such as colour, composition and things
like that. After that I tried to get in to Kunst- og håndverksskolen
(Norway's biggest art school), but they didn't want me. I was disappointed,
but I figured that if they didn't need me I didn't need them. I've
been working on my own since then, and most of what I know I've
learnt by myself. It's OK, but you get a little stuck in your own
ways - which is what people think of as "style", I guess.
If I hadn't become an illustrator I'd probably be a carpenter, hammering
wood all day long.
Most writers
have alot of memories from when they've been out painting. Do you
have any good or bad graffiti memories that you can share?
I like finding a nice big quiet wall, bringing a couple of boxes
of cans, some music, orange juice, Maryland cookies and cigarettes,
and paint until I'm finished. I guess I'm a cowardly, take-no-chances
kind of guy. I'm not into running from the cops down the trainyard
kind of stuff. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.
I could, though, tell about the time I stood in front of a really
good wall, my sketches were nice, the birds were singing and the
sun shone and I had all the paint I needed. That's a good graffiti
memory. It just doesn't make a very interesting story, that's all.
The phrase
that says "that's not graffiti - that's art ! " How do you
react to that and do you hear it often?
art scene and the graffiti scene is really similar in that they both
tend to operate with strict, imposing rules of what's what. I can't
say care if it's one thing or another. I don't do hardcore graf and
I don't consider what I do "art". "Paintings on walls
done with spray paint" is probably a precise term. "Really
big drawings" is another. And no, I don't hear it often. Probably
because I hardly ever speak to people who give a shit about the difference
between art and graffiti.
Is spraycans
still your main tool or have you gone more over to airbrush and
acrylics with brushes?
have always been my main tool. I've always considered myself a draughtsman
more than anything else. Still, I've painted quite a bit the last
few years, honing that craft, and spraycans are definitely the tools
of choice for the discerning craftsman. Indeed. I like to be able
to do anything, I use acrylics or watercolors or markers or a Macintosh,
it doesn't really make a difference as long as it suits my needs,
rings my bell, blows my whistle, honks my horn, squeezes my lemon,
pleases my eye, whatever.
Do you have
some kind of idea about things you want to express with each piece,
and do you have something that you express most often lately?
overall theme of all my pieces of late is, I think, my all-pervading
sense of human ugliness. I'm honestly planning to do some happy,
feel-good stuff too.
Many writers
seem to travel a lot around in Europe painting in other cities.
Do you do this too?
No, I don't like travelling. It's a hassle.
You are
very experienced and your paintings are on a pretty high level.
Do you still have others that you look up to and who would that
the most irritating part of all: No matter how hard you work, no
matter how good you become, there's always some fucker better than
you. It's annoying, I can tell. But it's true: Once you start comparing
yourself with others, you end up dissatisfied and miserable. So
I try not to. Some of the best stuff I've seen in years is "Eightball"
by Daniel Clowes. It's so good I wanted to quit drawing. So I quit
reading his cartoons and kept on drawing instead. Now I'm happy
and ignorant.
What is
a normal day for you like. Do you work for a company or freelance
illustrations mostly ? And is there types of illustration jobs you
say no thanks to?
wake up too late, eat my breakfast, read the news, sit around staring
at the walls for some inspiration, fail finding inspiration in the
walls, get frustrated, sleep some more, eat some dinner, read a
book, go out and drink a few beers, then a few more, go to sleep
too late. Wake up too late, eat my breakfast etc. I work as a freelance
illustrator only. I don't want a steady job. I get bored by repetitive
tasks, and I don't like bosses. I usually turn down illustration
jobs that are boring and underpaid. Come to think of it... Almost
all my illustration jobs are boring and underpaid. Damn. Well then:
I don't do drawings that involves children or animals. I only draw
consenting adults.
How do you
see your own future?
Glorious. Thousands of female fans tearing at my mansion doors.
Talk shows. Jet planes. Gallery owners in large cities praying on
their knees to exhibit my work. Lung cancer.
If you would
be able to change something in the graffiti culture or in society
in general what would that be?
a big question, now isn't it? I'd like to see The Official Separation
of Writers and Vandals. They haven't got anything in common, so
why not live happily each on their own? If that's too much to ask,
I'd wish the bombers would spend a little time working on their
tags. If they're determined to bomb the fuck out of everything,
you can't stop them, but at least they could do it with a little
style. Oslo is drowning in shitty tags. As for society in general:
I think world peace would be nice.
Do you have
any tips for others trying to learn to make characters?
work. Can't beat it. And if you bite - do it so good no-one notices.
Any last
words or something special you want to say?
paint is just a tool.
Questions answered
honestly and truthfully by Coderock via e-mail. Thank the Lord for
the blessings of the Modern World.
Coderock can be contacted at: coderock@start.no