So Kazy
when did you start with graffiti, and how was the scene back then?
I started back in 1984 when the scene consisted of basicly young
teenagers that all started out with graffiti at the same time. There
was no thug mentalety, and no wars between writers. Everyone was
down with everyone. When you met other writers there was big respect
from both sides, lots of friendships were made. Most writers were
helping eachother out with ideas and sketches - there was so much
unity back then.
What made
you come up with calling yourself for the name Kazy?
got inspired of KaseTwo when I checked out the book SubwayArt back
in 1984. He had a good style and I liked the letters too, so I thought
Kazy would be a cool thing to call myself. I got almost all my inspiration
from that book Subway Art. First after many years of graff experience
I saw that famous film Beat Street.
Another inspirasjon
for me back then was the norwegian DD2 crew. They were the first
ones that painted Grønland subway station and it kind of
impressed me. Later on I got to know Fuz, Sean, Pay2 and Raide.
We all inspired eachother with ideas and styles in many ways.
How old
are you now?
- I'm
It's been
rather quiet around you graffwise the last years - do you have any
comment to that?
still make a lot of graff sketches and am not planning to stop at
all. But the last years I've been very busy with custom painting
motorcycles and it has taken all of my time.
I still consider
myself as a writer and havent changed views on anything though.
- I've just been very busy! I keep an eye on what's going on within
the scene though. Like I keep reading the taggs, and keep looking
at walls everywhere.
the fines are too high nowdays, so I don't paint illegal anymore.
-It still itches in my fingers so I possibly might go out again
one night, you never know.
You don't
look much like a "typical writer". Has it been like that
always or have you changed style as you became older?
always gone my own personal ways with everything. Believe it or
not, but not long ago I was wearing a leather vest with a backpiece
on it!
I've always
tried to put much personal soul within whatever I do. The motivation
that keeps me going is comming up with new ideas. If I ever stop
developing my creativety I think I'll consider to stop and do something
else instead.
Your pieces
are always so technical clean. Is there anything even you consider
as difficult, or anything special you focuse much on when you paint?
isn't anything directly that I consider as difficult. I just try
to make a lot of movement, clean lines and work out light, shadow
and depth. Mixing and using different elements too like for example
Norwegian nature is also cool. I also like to put some humor into
what I create, everything dosn't have to be blood, rough and hardcore.
Do you paint canvases nowdays?
Not really, I prefer to paint walls and airbrush motorcycles. Maybe
I will do some canvases in the future, but they will probably not
be graffiti related. I think graff looks best when it's outdoors
where everyone can see it. It's no big ambition for me to have my
stuff represented in art galleries. I will rather have my stuff
outdoors around in society.
What kind
of job do you have?
of different stuff among crafting and decoration. Lately it's been
mostly Harley Davidson motorcycles. I'm now in the startphase of
making my own atelier/mc workshop.
When it comes
to tools I don't like to use computers, because they take away some
of the life within the artwork. Try looking at old Disney cartoons
like Snowwhite and the seven dwarfs. They had much more life and
joy in them compared to these new cartoons. The new cartoons have
lost much of their bounce and flow. It's all becoming so steril
and cold. They should try to variate the thickness of their outlines
like what it comes out when you draw by hand.
Any Norwegian
writers that you have taken notice of more then others?
I've always noticed what that guy Sean makes. He's been doing his
own thing since the very beginning, and is probably the only Norwegian
writer that creates things that I've never seen anywhere else before.
