So MrHoax,
when did you start out with graff?
started to interest for graff in '92. Iv'e always been impressed
of the visiual effect that the taggs and pieces have in cities,
and Iv'e always been drawing.
Do you have
other names then just Hoax?
I write Axys also, because I was thinking about using it as a legal
name. Unfortunatly that didn't happen and I now use both.
What kind
of graffiti do you do most; streetbombing, trains or walls?
mostly down with wall graff. I want to do more trains, but its quit
hard to do them in Norway. And I also want to travel more so people
from other countries can see my work. I've never posted any of my
photos to magazines.
Many people
say that trains is the only real graffiti - what do you think about
is where the graffiti started, but still its not the only place
that its real. Art is visual communication. I dont care what writers
think of my kind of work or where they want to observ my art.
What places have you painted, and where can most of your stuff
be seen?
question. Just be on the run and you'll come over something. I will
try to make more stuff. In the future I have some major projects.
I'm no big man, but will do my best to be one.
Where do
you get your inspiration from?
inspiration gets to me from cartoons and others work. What I draw
depends of how I'm feeling. The best sketches comes when my life
sucks the most ! One of my favorite places to think is in the shower.
You used
to live in Fredrikstad, but have now moved to Oslo. Why did you
move, and what do you think about the differences of the scenes
compared to eachother?
moved to Oslo because of my study situation. The design school is
close to Oslo city.
The difference
between Fredrikstad and Oslo is pretty much peoples way of thinking.
I believe that most of the youth in Oslo that write dont look upon
graff as real art.
Ofcourse the
enviroment has a big influence on how the writers are acting. It's
hot and rough in Oslo !
But still Fredrikstad
has a serious graff scene. I like those who bomb there, but there
is no real bombers in my old town. In one way I like that. We can
do walls and people will respect our pieces. It's important to be
serious. Get famous, but do it with style.
Since you
skateboard alot, do you think it has influenced you in any ways?
very many ways actually. I'm always thinking of art (graff) when
I'm skating.. It's also important for me to get adrenalinrushes
when I skate or snowboard. I have to be physical.
So what
kind of music do you like?
like jazz inspired rap, rap with funky beats and eastcoast. I also
listen alot to the radio.
Do you feel
that youve contributed with anything new to the culture?
in some ways. I've got my own style and way of thinking. But I feel
that I have just started. Its school that takes my time now. Later
I will take back the time I have lost. I have very much inside my
head that is waiting for a clean spot. Wait and see, I will be heard
Do you have
any special plans or goals to a place you want to paint or thing
to do?
have alot of goals for my future. I will work harder so I can show
people what graff can be compared to traditional canvas art. I want
to travel more, meet writers and try to get money out of my work.
So far Im satisfied.
If the world
froze for one hour and you could have done whatever you wanted,
what would you then do?
I saw a wonderful wall or a place to paint I always think about
how it would be if the world froze. I would hit down on famous buildings,
but havent thought about any specific places actually.
What's the
best graff memory you have?
first piece I ever made ! I had brought with me my dog and started
to paint on a privat factory in Fredrikstad. The factory was right
by the sea, and I then found out that graffiti was my call.
Have you
had much trouble with the police?
have only been caught once. But I have been chased many times !
One time some idiots called the police and they came with a car
full of dogs. I had to escape with a bike, but slammed in to a hole
in the ground and got pretty bloody. I hid in a garage for half
an hour, and when I arrived my home a police car stopped outside
my house and used a flashlight to lighten up my kitchen looking
for me.
Wich people
have your respect?
respect serious writers who work hard to put up the best they can.
And I respect writers who don't talk shit behind other writers back.
My idols are
Mode2, Can2, K-Line, Hex, Swet, Daim, Sabe and Exem. And not to
forget Odd Nerdrum, Matt Groening and MC Escher.
And what
kind of people do you not respect?
dont like the people who makes things hard for me. Let me do my
thing and I will respect you. I dont like those who judges my graff
and talk shit about it - what is good and bad style...what is good
art !? I do whatever I want, if you don't like it then piss off.
I will only become better.
Shout outs
and last words?
to my Dad who got me down with graff ! He bought me my first two
cans. Props to my hardcore mom and bro. Pels Crew - my best men.
Peace to writers of Norway and the rest of the world wide vandals.
Hoax will kill.